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Political Resurrection of Sardar Patel - Iron Man of India

People normally believe that whatever is written in history books, everything is correct. This is not always so, as history is written by powerful people, their descendents or ardent followers of their ideologies as per their political gains and conveniences. A clear testimony of the same can be seen by comparing the contents of Indian history and Pakistani history before independence in their respective history books taught in India and Pakistan, though before independence both shared the same history.

The statement of Narendra Modi about Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel that it was unfortunate that Sardar Patel was not made first prime minister of India, otherwise fate and shape of India would have been different (better) has sent a ripple in political and social groups and media. Some of the political parties are feeling very much ofended. There is no doubt that what Sardar Patel did at that time in unifying India by merging about 563 independent princely states, no other contemporary leader could have done. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru handled Jammu and Kashmir, and China and we see the result. Some political commentators are questioning why Gandhi ji did not choose Sardar Patel to become first prime minister of India if he was more competent than Pt. Nehru. Gandhi ji was more of a saint rather than a statesman or politician. So, his preferences for Pt. Nehru may not construed as Sardar Patel was inferior to Pt. Nehru to hold the post of first prime minister of India. Unfortunately, Sardar Patel was not given the right place in history of India which he deserved as it is amply clear from the names given to various national schemese, projects, institutions, ports and roads etc which rarely finds the name of Sardar Patel compared to name of Pt. Nehru and members of his family.

If Narendra Modi is trying to give right place to Saradar Patel in History of India as he rightly deserves, why there is so hue and cry in certain political parties. Towering political personalities gets continuosly evaluated over centuries for their deeds. Sometimes they are ressurected and sometimes they are burried also.

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