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Water Resources Mangement in Wake of Growing Population and Climate Change


Water is one of the most important resources required for survival of human being, animals and plants. Freshwater is very tiny percentage of total water resources available in glaciers, rivers, lakes, underground aquifers, and as a moisture content in soil and air. With growing population and related economic activities, requirements of freshwater is increasing day by day.  With careless economic activities , freshwater is not only being consumed at faster rate, but, the same is being degraded also that is reducing the freshwater availability suitable for use, and thus  putting extra burden on available freshwater resources. Moreover, climate change is causing changing pattern of rainfall in place, time and intensity that virtually reduces the fresh water availability to  suitable for consumption of human or animal settlements and many related economic activities. Moreover, water is a global issue and many freshwaterbodies and resources are shared by multiple countries and  If water is not managed properly, its scarcity will lead to mass migration and in-turn interstate and intra-state war for water.

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