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Needs for Evaluation of Paris Climate Agreement

The looming danger of climate change is a global issue that has high potential to impact all the nations adversely across the globe in varying degree based on geographical location, technological and financial capabilities to adapt to the impact of climate change. As climate change is a global issue; therefore, it requires global solution with concerted efforts of all the nations: big and small, develop and developing as per their differential responsibility and capability. Kyoto Protocol under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was such a historical international negotiation to address climate change issue, but it couldn't succeed due to lack of global political will across all the nations in reducing green house gases (GHG) which is the main cause of global warming and in turn climate change. However, over the years negotiations for climate change mitigation under UNFCCC continued and it has taken many twists and turns before finally taking a shape at COP21 Paris Climate Change Summit in 2015. As COP21 Paris Climate Change negotiation has turned into an agreement, and accordingly it will enter into force from 4th November, 2016. Now it is to be seen that how much credible and pragmatic is Paris Climate Agreement in addressing GHG emission reduction. The credibility and pragmatism of implementation and monitoring mechanism of GHG reduction needs to be analysed. The success of any international negotiation will depend on concerted efforts by all participants, and this is only possible when justice and equity is there in an agreement for all the members. Equity and justice in climate change mitigation would necessarily require pooling and sharing of resources. In light of above, it will further be required to examine  the pooling and distribution of global intellectual, technological, financial, labour and other resources in equitable manner at affordable cost so that these resources could be gainfully utilised by all the nations across the globe to reduce GHG in order to mitigate climate change.

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