Lack of civilian control on military in Pakistan, frequent transitions from democracy to military rule and performance of civilian government below expectations of people has made military in Pakistan more revered and legitimate in the eyes of Pakistani public. Pakistan has taken advantage of India-centric fear psychosis and allied with some of the powerful countries across the globe who have funded Pakistan handsomely. Pakistan made use of these funds generously to strengthen its military capabilities and to nurture and experiment with religion based jihadi terrorism in Afghanistan during Soviet Afghan conflict instead of using the same for socio economic development. After retreat of Russians from Afghanistan, the hold of Pakistan military on this Talibani terror infrastructure created got loose in due course of time, and these Talibani terrorist first ravaged Afghanistan itself, and then inflicted their wrath on many countries including India and those who indirectly funded and supported these terror groups. Pakistan came under difficult situation when conflict between Talibani terror group and U S aggravated after 9/11. For funding, Pakistan was dependent on U S and for strategic military activity to keep hold in Afghanistan it was dependent on Talibani terror group who were active on both side of border. Pakistan tried to show its loyalties with both, but in this process it got exposed and lost the faith of both. However, due to its compelling circumstances it had to show its loyalty more towards U S that further alienated Talibani terror group. Now the energy of Talibani terror group is directed against Pakistan itself and Pakistan is bearing the brunt of Talibani terrorism. Now if Pakistan has to contain terrorism on its own land it has to shift its focus from India and direct its resources in containing terrorism. As far as India is concerned on issue of nuclear weapon, it is committed to its nuclear policy of "no first use"