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Riddles of COVID-19 Pandemic


The beginning of the year 2020 was very bad for the entire world due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Perhaps, this is the worst pandemic that the world has seen in the last century after Spanish flue in 1918. This pandemic has paralysed almost the entire world and more than two-thirds of the global population is holed up in their houses as precautionary measures. All the economic and social activities have almost come to stand still accept essential food chain supply, pharmaceuticals and health care products, municipal and security services.


The genesis of COVID-19 can’t be commented with certainty at this point in time.  However, there is no doubt that it spread from Wuhan city of China. Interestingly, Wuhan also hosts the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences of China since 1956 that works in five major research fields: 1.etiology and epidemiology of emerging infectious diseases; 2.molecular virology; 3. immunovirology; 4.analytical pathogen microbiology; and 5.agricultural and environmental microbiology. It is also suspected that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was also involved in the development of highly contagious and deadly virus for biological warfare. This type of suspicion has been categorically stated by the US President Trump. However, China denies the same and attributes it to bats as a career of this virus that is sold in the wet market of Wuhan. Whether COVID-19 spread deliberately or accidentally from the lab of Wuhan Institute of Virology or spread from the wet market of Wuhan, it spread from Wuhan in early November 2019. If China deliberately spread this virus, then the act of China is unforgivable by the world community. However, if it spread accidentally from the lab or from the wet market, still there are serious lapses on the part of China due to not taking adequate measures to lock down the movement of people to and from China and more specifically from Wuhan and sharing the information with the rest of world so that they could have taken measures timely to contain this pandemic.


Since Wuhan Institute of Virology has extensively worked on SARS, and COVID-19 is a virus of the same family, therefore, it may be also suspected that China was aware of the consequences of the spread of COVID-19 and also knew the methods to contain it in time bound manner which other parts of the world didn’t have. This may be well thought of strategy of China to spread this pandemic across the globe starting from their place so that people may not suspect China. In this process, economic activities across the globe will be paralyzed and whoever comes out quickly from this COVID-19 trap would take a lead in the global economy. The one who knows better about the consequences and methods of quick containment or control of this virus will be able to come out of this quickly and resume normal economic activities. And this happened with only China who recovered quickly and started taking over many companies across the globe in a short span of time when the entire world is struggling with COVID-19 problem shutting down their economic activities.


If all these suspicions gets proved in due course of time after fair trial for genocide, then the sin of China is really unforgivable and China must be brought to books by the nations across the world, and  China must be forced to pay reparation along with other penalties.    

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