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Should India Amend Its Constitution to Improve Legislative Productivity in a Coalition Government

India is facing a  grave problem of poor  legislative productivity for last more than two decade whenever single party is not getting absolute or simple majority to form government and as a result coalition government of multi parties are formed. It started since 1977, when Janata Party  came into power, legislative productivity started decreasing. Though Janata Party was theoritically a single party government, but in real sense it was amalgamation of many parties of diverse ideologies which came together to overthrow Indira Gandhi led Congress government that imposed emergency rule in 1975. In that sense Janata Party was practically a coalition goverment.

It has been observed that in a coalition government legislative productivity in India broadly depends on the numerical strength of member of major ruling party and legislative experience of major ruling party in coalition. In coalition government, except major national party, other members of coalition are generally regional parties whose aspirations are different than national parties  because their interest basically lies on regional issues  and sometimes they also do not support to their own government on certain policy issues reducing legislative productivity. As this trend of coalition government is continuing since 1990s till now which has drastically reduced the legislative productivity and quality leading to policy paralysis and as same trend of coalition government  is also likely  to continue in future, India need to devise a mechanism to get rid of this problem of policy paralysis, even if required by suitably amending the constitution.

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