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Climate Change induced flood in Thailand and Italy

Global warming and in turn climate change has posed a major threat to this planet and consequently it has drawn greater attention of policy makers as well as general public in many countries. Several studies in past few years have suggested that global temperature has been rising in near past and this trend would be continued if emission of green house gases (GHG) are not arrested and brought under the permissible limits. One of the major reasons attributed by scientist for global warming and in turn climate change is anthropogenic emission of carbon dioxide that is major constituent of GHG. As per IPCC ( Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) global warming is likely to cause extreme weather conditions, variability in precipitation causing severe and frequent floods and draughts in varying degree depending on different geographical region adversely affecting agriculture, living conditions and human life; sea level rise, increase in tropical cyclone.


Major floods in recent past in various parts world has buttressed our belief that  global warming is capable of devastating the human life due to unpredictably high variation in precipitation. Current floods in Thailand and Italy and recent past floods in Queensland in Autralia, Pakistan, Brazil and Sri Lanka in 2010/2011 have taken hundreds of lives and displaced thousands of people in each country affected by flood. However, still there are groups of scientists and policy makers  that  do not want to accept this fact that these devastating floods are due to global warming and in turn climate change. Perhaps by accepting this fact by these policy makers and scientists may put their country in a situation to do more to mitigate climate change, as  by and large they belong to those countries whose accumulated cumulative emmissions is very high since industrial revolution. 


This is a global problem that has been anthropogenically created by every one. Some countries have contributed very much especially the highly industrialised one and some very less especially least developed countries and developing one. Accordingly, the share of mitigation burden should also be shared almost in the same proportion. Unfortunately the developed countries despite their technical, financial and institutional capability are not doing much to reduce GHG in order to mitigate climate change commensurate with their cumulative emmission and expecting developing and developed world to do more than that commensurate with their cumulative emissions. In this process the major sufferers are people of least devolped countries and developing countries who have no technical, financial and institutional capability and resources for either mitigation or adaptation. However, developed countries are comparatively more capable of adapting to climate change and their efforts on this issue are more directed towards adaptation rather that mitigation. 


The main problem is that benifit of mitigation of climate change undertaken by one country goes to all countries, but benifits of adaptation goes to that country who undertakes adaptation. The need of the hour is that all the countries especially the developed one should work more for mitigation rather than adaptation as its benifit would be garnered by all the countries. And if developed countries think that with more adaptation measures they will be able to save them from scourge of climate change, then probably they are thoroughly mistaken as more intense climate change in absence of adequate  mitigation effot will swept awaay all their adaptation infrastructure, and this is evident from many such disasters in past. 


[1]  IPCC WG1 AR4 Report, Global Climate Projections formulated response strategies. The First Assessment Report of IPCC served as the basis for negotiating the United Nations. Retrieved on 06/05/ 2008 from

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