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2020: A Year of Challenges For India




Though year 2020 was not good for almost entire world due to global pandemic of COVID-19. Why I have used the word " almost" in previous sentence because the country that has perpetrated the leak/release of this virus has already made arrangements to address it. However, that country is also facing the political and economic wrath of some of those countries who were badly affected. A tiny virus somewhere between living and non-living made human, the most intelligent and smart creature of this planet helpless. It made a dent in almost all the spheres of human activities.
As far as India is concerned, 2020 has been very bad compared to most of the countries. Apart from COVID-19, there were many other issues that India face in 2020. Some of these are:
- Spread of COVID-19: When COVId-19 was spreading rapidly in other parts of world especially in France, Italy, Spain, and subsequently in Iran, Indian policymakers were complacent assuming that it will not come to India. Tablighis contributed the spreading the COVId-19 at initial stage. Irresponsiveness and mismanagement of many state governments in handling migrant labourers that forced migrant labourer to flee thousands of kilometers to their native places on foot in pathetic condition. Total lockdown of trains were another big mistake that aggravated the miseries of the migrant workers. Only trains with second class and sleeper class should have run with full precaution of face mask, sanitization and social distancing with adequate security and reservation arrangements, so that the needy people especially migrant workers and students could have gone to their homes. However, role of medical, para-medical staffs are praiseworthy during this crisis. Moreover, charity and philanthropy of well do do people towards migrants and poor people can't be forgotten. That has again demonstrated the real spirit of India.
- Stand-off with China at Ladakh: When entire world was fighting with a global problem, China played a sinister game with India by intruding in Indian territory. This led to scuffle between Indian and Chinese soldiers where 20 Indian soldiers including officers were killed. Though China did not declare its own casualty in this scuffle, but foreign media confirmed that Chinese side casualty was many times that of Indian side. This incident demolished the narcissism and false pride of Chinese leadership in underestimating Indian leadership. India garnered international diplomatic and strategic support to counter Chinese posturing and hit it economically after banning many apps and canceling some contract and wielded influence on many other countries to do the same. Now, China has come in such a position that neither it can go forward or backward. Now, China is planning to use Pakistan against India, and any misadventure by Pakistan on behalf of China will be devastating for Pakistan.
- The other ugly situation that emerged in India in 2020 is farmer's movement against Agriculture Act 2020. This Act gives more options to the farmers to sell their produce retaining earlier provisions of minimum support price (MSP) by government. However, some of the farmers have been misinformed by political interest group and some of the middlemen who make hefty profits from purchase and sale of agricultural produce about the provisions of this Act so as to make them protest against government.
Apart from these three incidents some more incidents like communal riot in Delhi in Feb, Maoist attack in Sukuma killing 17 security personnel, contraction of first quarter of 2020-21 of Indian economy to 23.9 percent etc. The overall, it was a very bad year for India.
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