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International Yoga Day of Modi

While addressing the 193-member U N General Assembly on 27th September, 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked the world leader to observe 21st June as International Yoga Day as widespread practice of Yoga will make world better. With massive support of 177 nations, on 11th December, 2014 United Nations General Assembly declared 21st June as International Yoga Day. First International Yoga Day was observed on 21st June, 2015.


 If Yoga is practiced properly, it harmonizes body, mind and soul that improves physical, mental and social health. If Yoga is practiced across globe, it will not only improve the wholesome health of individuals, but it will also improve the societal health. With better physical, mental and social health of  people across the world, there are better chances to mitigate conflicts within individual, between individuals, between individual and society, and among societies. This will lead to conflict reduction and global peace.


Wide spread use of Yoga may provide preventive heath care opportunities to billions of poor people across the globe at very low cost or virtually at no cost. This will also create a new opportunity of employment as a Yoga teacher or trainer especially among developed and developing countries where a large number of people are ready to pay in lifestyle business. However, unfortunately due to political reasons some countries and some political parties in India are not supporting and encouraging wide spread practice of Yoga. Some countries are unnecessarily doing propaganda against Yoga labeling it as cultural hegemony of India, while some groups and some countries are falsely projecting it as infringement on their religious believes and practices and denying the benefits of Yoga to their people. But majority of people across the globe have displayed their rationality and embraced Yoga overarching.  Yoga is a global goods that is almost freely available to everyone that can provide good health, employment and peace to mankind. 


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