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Contribution of Administrative Corruption in Financial Corruption

Though India has improved its corruption perception index from 94th position  in 2013 to 85th position in 2014 as per Transparency International, but still it is far behind in curbing the corruption globally. Normally if corruption starts from top in bureaucracy or in any other organization, it is likely that it will spread downwards at a very fast rate especially in bureaucracy. However, if corruption starts at low level, it will not rise upward very easily. It appears that corruption follows the law of gravity in sense that from top it flows to bottom  very rapidly, but from bottom to top it has to work against symbolic gravity. If corruption has started from top and has flown to bottom, it becomes very difficult to curb the corruption as those at the helms of affair does not have moral strength to control the same as they are also involved in corruption in some form or other. However, if it is starting from bottom, it can be easily controlled by people at top who has power and authority as well as moral strength to curb corruption. Therefore, it becomes very essential that people at the higher level must be people of very high integrity in order to curb corruption.

However, ethics, moral values and integrity are more or less uniformly distributed. We get some absolutely sincere, dedicated and honest persons at lower level of bureaucracy as well as some corrupt, morally and ethically unsound person at higher level of bureaucracy. In this situation, it becomes very important that elevation of corrupt people in bureaucratic or organizational hierarchy is stopped. There is a mechanism for the same by reflecting the same in performance appraisal, but it is not very effective again due to  corruption. The other important and potent way to curb financial corruption is to curb administrative corruption. Administrative corruption involves basically biased decision on transfer, posting, temporary duty, deputation, foeign assignment, selection and promotion and other personal matters in absence of any  sound policy or bypassing laid down policies. In institutional set up, noramally a group of people at various level in hierarchy are involved, and if few persons in that group are not willing to cooperate in corruption, it would be very difficult to carry out corrupt practices.  With the help of these tools like  transfer, posting and other personal matter people at top in the organization force, induce or encourage their subordinates to involve in corrupt practices. most of the subordinates fall prey to fear or favor of their bosses in getting involved in corruption cases. Therefore, there should be well defined  mechanised system of handling transfer, posting and other personal matters that contributes to administrative corruption, if financial corruption is to be curbed.

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